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© Jüdisches Filmfestival Wien

Jewish Film Festival

Filmfestival "We are family"

24.04. - 08.05.2022
Village Cinemas Wien Mitte, Metro Kinokulturhaus, Gartenbaukino Wien


"We are Family", the motto of this year's JFW (Jewish Film Festival Vienna), also has to do with the current situation. Corona has brought families - however they are understood and structured - closer together or even further apart. This dynamic has also influenced everything that belongs to family and other relationships - love, lust and passion - or rather the longing for them, children and calamities, quarrels and reconciliation.
Filmmakers like to approach the inexhaustible topic of family - especially when it comes to Jewish "mixed poles" - with self-irony and wit. And that's exactly what we think we need at the moment - some levity, relaxation and distraction.
In view of the current war situation in Ukraine, we feel especially bound to our social and political commitment. That is why we are showing Ukraine-related films and dedicating a focus of our program to children on the run.
This year, we are organizing the part dedicated to the culture of remembrance largely in cooperation with the Filmarchiv Austria as a symposium entitled Documents of Extermination on the subject of liberated camps.
Last but not least: the big stars - first and foremost Barbra Streisand, whose 80th birthday we are celebrating with a personale. We also want to remember the author Noah Gordon and the pacifist Emil Julius Gumbel.

The program will include about 35 feature-length films and about 10 short films. In addition, film discussions and the symposium with 14 films and 4 lectures are planned.


Infos and Tickets, Programm online, Catalogue download