Wasser Weg

The sustainable Rio+20 culture walk May 24 - 28, 2012.
"No life without water!" is the motto of our penultimate Throwback!

As 2021 draws to a close, so do our Throwbacks. This Thursday we dedicate to the Wasser-Weg/Water Way project, which gave some people blisters on their feet in 2012. 110 km in alternating rain and sunshine were covered by the participants of the 5-day cultural hike along the 1st Vienna High Spring Water Pipeline. They were rewarded with stimulating conversations, atmospheric cultural performances and wonderful views! More than 1000 people gathered at the individual stations to take part in the diverse program.

The background of the project was the UN Conference on Sustainable Development RIO+20. Participation was in the foreground of the project and only through numerous cooperations with the communities and local initiatives could the implementation be made possible. What remained, apart from the beautiful pictures, was above all the awareness that culture and ecology are inseparably linked and that the basis of life, water, concerns us all!

On the own Facebook page WasserWeg you can find many photos of Steffi Dittrich.

And on youtube:
water gone? - A documentary film about the sustainable Rio+20 culture walk by Johannes Hucek & Johannes Schrems.