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Earth Artivist Labs © Cati Krüger

Earth Artivist Labs


11.04., 26.04., 03.05.2024 - Presentation - 08.06.2024
Brunnenpassage Wien, Brunnengasse 71 / Yppenplatz, 1160 Wien


Earth Artivist Labs X Kollektive Freude im Widerstand

We want to encourage the development of new possibilities for social protest through radical imagination and shared care. The year 2024 will be characterized by major political discussions on climate justice and the far right in Europe. In the midst of this scenario of political upheaval, we are creating a space for joyful activism to co-create innovative forms of protest and affirm alternative ways of living.

SOHO in Ottakring and Brunnenpassage join forces to offer a program in which art becomes a tool for political practices that build new possible worlds in the here and now, new forms of activism out of the joy of being together to confront the fear produced by the violent practices of colonial modernity that steals and takes lives with impunity in order to extract land, resources, labor and energy. Let's move together to form the artistic resistance front of Vienna.

More infos and registration: Earth Artivist Labs (brunnenpassage.at)