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© European Pavillion 2022


A Viennese Caravanserai

24th of June until 1st of October 2022
Brunnenpassage, Yppenplatz, 1160 Wien


A project by Asma Aiad & the business owners of the Brunnenmarket

A'Wiener Caravanserai explores and illuminates the history and dynamics of Europe at Brunnenmarkt from a very new perspective. Questions of social and European solidarity are more present than ever, especially here - at the longest street market in Europe, the Brunnenmarket. Here, a space for people from all over the world should be created to tell the stories about a future Europe. The inspiration for this is the ambience of a Caravanserai, where many different people come together to rest and exchange ideas. Diversity and the various biographical experiences are our starting point for inviting different people to exchange visions. At the focus of A'Wiener Caravanserai are the stories of those who make this market what it is. What makes living together in this Viennese Caravanserai easier and what makes it more difficult? How should a cosmopolitan Europe pictured as a Karavanserai of our day's look like and how not? What can be learned or unlearned from each other?

Asma Aiad, conceptual artist, activist and youth worker, develops the mixed-media station exhibition A`Wiener Karavanserei in co-creation with the actors of the Brunnenmarkt
Saime Öztürk: Wall design Wall of Karavanserai
Seba Kayan: DJ and artist

StoryTelling:Europe! will be further presented at an exhibition at the Volkskunde Museum Vienna in autumn this year.

StoryTelling:Europe! is part of the European Pavilion: an initiative by the European Cultural Foundation that aims to support and promote artistic projects that imagine desirable and sustainable futures for Europe. 

01- A'Wiener Karavanserai - Der Start
02- A'Wiener Karavanserai - Amiri. Stoffe, Kleider & Teppiche aus Afghanistan.
03- A'Wiener Karavanserai - Abida und der Brunnenmarkt.
04- A'Wiener Karavanserai - Frau Weiser und ihre Blumen
05- A'Wiener Karavanserai - Was isst Heimat?
06- A' Wiener Karavanserai - Yusuf und das Käseparadies
07- A' Wiener Karavanserai - Woher kommst du ?
08- A' Wiener Karavanserai - Damaskus mit einer österreichischen Note

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