© Verena Melgarejo Weinandt

Lalala WINTER FESTIVAL: Ausstellung

Leyendo Resistencia/ Widerstand lesen/ Reading Resistance by Verena Melgarejo Weinandt

What does it mean to read Resistance? It can mean reading stories about the connection of indigenous communities to nature, to understand why they have defended the country with such vehemence for centuries and why they have made a non-capitalist value of water, wind and sun comprehensible. It can mean making the fight of the ancestors against colonial supremacy understandable in the supposedly mythical stories of indigenous communities, which are still politically explosive to this day.

Resisting by reading aloud also means giving the child a positive and strong self-image, for example with regard to his or her own body, sexuality and skin colour. Reading out resistance can mean reading out stories in which the families consist not only of father, mother and child, but perhaps of several fathers or mothers or perhaps of a mother, an aunt and the best friend. Reading resistance means that in the stories Lupita can also be in love with Ana and John often prefers Jenny. Reading Resistance means that Black children, Children of Color, indigenous children like all other children, can be superheroes*, strong and smart. Through children's books, children can be taught where their* limits lie and how best to articulate them. Reading resistance means paying attention to the world of dreams and desires and taking them seriously as important sources of knowledge. That and much more can mean resistance.

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